2121 N. California Blvd, Ste. 290 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 | (415) 683-9569
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How can I submit to NYLO?

We accept submissions via our online submission forms. Please visit the form that applies to you, adults or kids, answer the questions, and upload the requested photos. Once the form is completed, we will review and get back to you with a response.

Do I need professional photos/headshots to submit?
Professional photos are not necessary to submit. However, they are encouraged and may help your submission stand out. If NYLO chooses to meet with you for an interview, there will be discussion about professional headshots and the importance of having a range of photos. Depending on what you submitted, we will go over the next steps and what we feel would be best for you. Professional photos are critical across the board in this industry.
After I submit, what happens next? How long will it take to receive a reply?
After your submission form has been completed and sent to NYLO for consideration, we will review and reply back to you via email or phone. We will let you know if we are interested in meeting with you, or if we are not. Either way, please expect 7-10 business days to receive a response. Please be advised that an interview does not guarantee you representation.
If NYLO is interested in meeting with me, what should I expect the interview to involve?
The interview will involve a one on one meeting with you, the talent. If you are a parent who submitted your child, we will meet with both of you. We ask that adults do not bring friends and that parents do not bring additional siblings to the interview as this helps us to best adhere to our schedule. We will get to know your personality, see how comfortable you are in front of the camera, listen to what your goals and interests are in the industry, ask you about your experience, and tell you about us and how we work. From here, we will advise on how to proceed in regards to your representation. Please expect the entire process to last about 45 minutes.
What does it cost?
There is no cost to submit an application. It is industry standard that an agency does not directly impose any charges on talent.
What kind of commitment should I expect if I become a represented talent?
As a talent represented by NYLO, we will expect you to adhere to the terms included in our agency contract that we will go over thoroughly during our meeting with you. You will be representing the agency on all auditions, go-sees, and bookings. In order to submit you to clients and maximize your opportunities, we will need strong photos and updated resumes, as well as accurate measurements. Children must always have current entertainment work permits. Communication is key, so prompt reply is expected via email or phone each time NYLO reaches out to you.
Are there any necessary documents that children under 18 are required by law to have in order to be represented and active with NYLO?
The state of California requires that all children under the age of 18 obtain an Entertainment Work Permit (these must be renewed every 6 months). It also requires a Coogan Account, which is a private account that is set up to protect your child’s funds until they reach the age of 18. If NYLO offers your child representation, we will provide you with all the information you need and guide you through the process of obtaining this documentation.

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